

Demystifying Security Tag Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

by Amit Pannu on August 02, 2023

Security tags are a popular choice for loss prevention, but with their increasing popularity, misconceptions and myths have also surfaced. In this blog, we aim to debunk common security tag myths and shed light on the accurate capabilities of these anti-shoplifting tools.



Myth #1: Security Tags Are Expensive and Only Suitable for Large Businesses

Fact: While security tags may have been costly in the past, advancements in technology and increased market competition have made them more affordable and accessible to businesses of all sizes. There are various security tag options available to suit different budgets and security needs. Small and medium-sized businesses can benefit from the protection offered by security tags without breaking the bank. Even protecting a small amount of your merchandise is better than protecting none, it signals that you are on the lookout to potential thieves.



Myth #2: Security Tags Are Visible and Unsightly, Deterring Customers

Fact: Traditional security tags may have been large and conspicuous, potentially impacting the shopping experience. However, modern security tags are designed to be discreet and unobtrusive, ensuring that they do not hinder the customer's experience. Some tags are even integrated into product packaging or labels, making them virtually invisible to shoppers while still providing effective protection. Additionally, clothing security tags are manufactured to be applied to clothing in a way that allows them to still be tried on.


Myth #3: Security Tags Are Easy for Shoplifters to Remove

Fact: One of the most common misconceptions is that security tags are easily removable or deactivated. In reality, reputable security tags (such as those sold in our online store) are designed with advanced anti-tamper features, making them extremely difficult to pry off without triggering alarms or alerting suspicion. Additionally, some modern security tags use RFID technology and other encryption measures to enhance security further.



Myth #4: Security Tags Interfere with Electronic Devices

Fact: Some people believe that security tags, particularly RFID tags, can interfere with electronic devices like pacemakers and credit cards. In reality, security tags are designed and tested to comply with strict regulations, ensuring they do not cause any harm or interfere with nearby electronic devices. That being said, you should never put your cellphone or other electronic device on top of a detacher as they are a large magnet and can destroy the device. This is the same for all large magnets!



Myth #5: Security Tags Are a Standalone Solution for Complete Security

Fact: While security tags are powerful deterrents, they are most effective when integrated into a comprehensive security strategy. Businesses should combine security tags with other measures, such as surveillance cameras, an EAS antenna, a well laid out store plan and well-trained staff, to create a robust security ecosystem.



Myth #6: Security Tags Do Not Provide Real ROI

Fact: Investing in security tags can yield significant returns on investment. By reducing losses due to theft, minimizing inventory shrinkage, and preventing potential incidents, security tags help businesses save money and protect their bottom line in the long run.



Myth #7: If an EAS gate alarms, it might be from someone’s cellphone! They have the same effect as security tags.

A cellphone, and any other handheld device, would NOT set off an EAS gate. If a gate alarms as someone walks through, you should always treat it as a true alarm event. It may not always be a result of shoplifting, there is always a possibility that the associate forgot to remove a tag or deactivate a label or that a customer is passing through with an active tag or label from another store. Either way, it is likely that an active security tag or label is the cause of the alarm.



Conclusion: Separating Reality from Misconceptions

In a world where misinformation can quickly spread, it is crucial to base decisions on accurate information. Security tags are valuable tools that provide businesses with enhanced protection and peace of mind. By understanding the truth behind common myths, businesses can confidently adopt security tag solutions that best suit their needs, ensuring their assets and investments remain safe and secure. When used in conjunction with a comprehensive security strategy, security tags become a formidable line of defense against potential threats, both internal and external.